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How a Mantel Can Enhance Your Home

Perhaps you have never considered adding a mantel to your living space. Or you are not sure what to do in adding this special piece. We have just the options you need to make that all important decision and make your home a “work of art”!
Let’s consider your options…

What You Need to Know in Making the Right Decision for Your Home

If you currently have a mantel gracing your room, then, you already have the correct measurements needed for the upgrade. However, if this mantel is a new addition to your home, then let’s be sure how much space you have available.
Creative Edge Cabinets and Woodworking has many years of experience in producing the finest quality furnishings. They have many types of materials to choose from at affordable prices. Our highly trained experts will know and understand just exactly what you need to make this new mantel a “work of art” for your home!

Let Us Help You Begin the Process

The thought of making all those decisions about style, materials, functionality for your new mantel can be daunting. But we have the solutions needed to make this your best decision! Whether you are upgrading your current mantel or designing a new one. If you have not already done so, measure your space so that you know and understand the size of mantel needed to fill that space.
Contact us today! Our technicians are waiting to hear from you! Check out our website, then let us know how we can assist you! We look forward to assisting you with the best selection of materials and the many product lines that are available to choose from. Plus we have many ideas to share with you on how to stay within your budget! Let Creative Edge Cabinets and Woodworking give you the best solutions!

Creative Edge Cabinets and Woodworking