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What Is a Mantel?

What Is a Mantel?

No, you did not read that wrong, and we are not confusing the word with mantle, although they are very similar. A Mantel is a shelf that sits above your fireplace, and a mantle is a cloak. Originally they were both thought to be spelling errors of the same word, but now they are two distinct items.

The Best Garage Storage Ideas

The Best Garage Storage Ideas

Everyone has some trouble organizing their garage. Whether the tools are everywhere, space is taken up by clutter, or your existing organizational system just isn’t cutting it, you will need some storage help. Thankfully, there are a lot of garage storage ideas out there, and you will find one that works for you.

Kitchen Cabinets - The Solution to Your Storage Woes

Kitchen Cabinets - The Solution to Your Storage Woes

Do you often struggle to find a place to put your pots and pans when you finish cooking for your family? Do you keep your plates, bowls, or cups in a plastic storage bin? Then it may be time to boost the number of kitchen cabinets in your home. But what kind of cabinetry is right for you?

Kitchen Countertops - Choosing the Right Ones for You

Kitchen Countertops - Choosing the Right Ones for You

Are you planning to renovate your cooking space in the near future? If so, you would be smart to spend some time carefully considering the kitchen countertops you wish to buy. Your selection will have a significant impact on both the look and utility of your home.

Bathroom Remodel - Turning Your House into Your Home

Bathroom Remodel - Turning Your House into Your Home

When you first move into a new house, it can often feel like you are living in somebody else's space. As a result, you might struggle to think of the property as your home - and not just a place you stay. Fortunately, there is a simple way to fix this problem. All you need to do is change up the room in which you spend a lot of time in! A bathroom remodel is in order!

Creative Edge Cabinets and Woodworking